The Breasts and Me!

Friday, March 18, 2011

"Welcome to the first Milk Mama Diaries Carnival (March). To celebrate National Women's Month, our participants share how breastfeeding has changed them as a woman. Please scroll down to the end of this post and check out the other carnival participants."

Breastfeeding has been such a wonderful experience. I'm still breastfeeding Y, who's now six and a half months already! I never thought I would reach this far, let alone breastfeeding. No one in my family did thought I would last this long. My mom was not supportive at first, because we were all formula-fed, but now she is. I think she did her own research, she now also encourages my younger sister to breastfeed her baby. Now my goal is to breastfeed Y until she's a year old.
Four-day Old Y
When I was pregnant, I read a lot on breastfeeding. I bought books, read kellymom, forums, and blogs, and even attended a LLL (La Leche League) meeting. I was gearing up myself for this new chapter I was going to embark. Breast pumps, nursing wear, nursing cover, nursing bras... all those stuff.

I thought I was all ready but... nope! I was not! Well, actually I was ready, I already anticipated the pain, the waking up in wee hours of the morning, the fussy baby. What I was not ready for was the change of my breast size! (Yeah, my breast became bigger during pregnancy but all I was worried and thinking about was the baby inside my belly.) Now, it's a size and cup bigger than my pre-pregnancy bra size! (And yeah, I read about the breast size will be bigger when breastfeeding) Ok, I always have small breasts. I was happy I didn't have big boobs because I don't have to worry about the clothes I wear (cause there's nothing to see) or if guys are oggling at it. Nowadays, I have to think about those! I miss my small breasts. But I'm not complaining! I'm used it now and big boobs means I have milk and that's good!

With the change, and since I haven't gone back to my pre-pregnancy weight yet (Kelan kaya?), my clothes don't fit anymore. Some do fit but it's fitted on the chest area, and so the need (emphasize on the NEED! LOL!) for new clothes! My shopping style now is different unlike before. Now, I have to consider if I can nurse when I wear it. The style choices are limited for normal clothes. Yes, there are nursing wear available but I haven't found anything that I like (one that fits my style and would go well with my current wardrobe, yes I'm maarte that way too!). I hope I find something soon because we're starting to take Y out, and of course I have to feed her while we're out. I may be comfortable popping my breasts out at home but not in public, the BOS would kill me if I do that! Haha! And I think I need to buy a proper nursing top or dress.

Buttondowns are the way to go.
I can't breastfeed in this. I didn't bring Y with me, hence the outfit!

Back to topic.. Still, I like to shop! Now I'm more excited and look forward on Expo Mom, any mom fairs, and Baby Fairs than the Rockwell Urban Bazaar! I like going thru toy stores than Topshop or Zara. Ok, I still like going to Topshop and Zara but I think about buying for Y first before me. And that's a change! Haha! Now, I'm beginning to be obsessed with baby gears, baby toiletries, cleaning stuff, feeding utensils, cloth diapers, baby slings.. anything and everything for Y! Who isn't an OC mom?! Right? And given that my baby is girl, it's more fun to dress them up than baby boys! That means more shopping for Y than me! LOL! I'm not complaining (really!) because there's still the joy of shopping! Haha!

Breastfeeding is my bonding time with Y. I'm a working mom so I only get to see her in the morning before I go to work and when I come home at night, she's already sleeping. I nurse her whenever I could. I was never close to my mom as a child, we are closer now, but wished we were close when I was young. I want to be close to Y and to my future daughters or sons, I hope breastfeeding is a step to that. Breastfeeding is my best gift to Y.

Breastfeeding has changed me a lot, not only physically or on the shopping side. It taught me to be more patient. It made me stronger and confident It has made me appreciate other breastfeeding moms and soon-to-be moms who's decided to breastfeed too! Breast is best! I'm really thankful that the BOS opened my eyes to breastfeeding. It really makes me proud that I made the decision to do it. It really is a commitment! And as time passes, I became passionate about breastfeeding, even considered to be trained as a lactation counselor! I'm still considering it when my schedule permits. I want to encourage other women to breastfeed, I want to inspire. I guess the whole experience changed me as a person, as a woman, as a wife, and of course as a mom.

Please take time to visit other Milk Mama Diaries Carnival Participants!


  1. Wow twins! I admire you more! But yeah if one mommy can breastfeed her twins, then any mommy can. It really is a commitment to breastfeed!

  2. Love this! :D True - fashion, shopping changes when you're a mommy! I've breastfed my twins (now they are 15 months!). Kung kaya sa twins - kaya ng any mommy! :D

  3. True! The shopping (and the fashion) style of being a mom is different now. :) I admire your commitment to breastfeed - I breastfeed also my twins! They are 15 months now! If kaya sa twins - kaya with any mom! :D

  4. Thanks! :) I thought I wouldn't last this long but here I am "_ 6 months and counting!

  5. agree with the new outlook on clothes shopping!!!! hay! kudos to you! i admire working mommys who breastfeed!

  6. Thanks for joining my giveaway! Good luck!:)

  7. What style/brand of nursing tops did you buy? I never seem to like what I saw. Naku my baby gets easily distracted pag may maingay, chismosa! haha!

  8. Exactly my problem too. I wear the same clothes over and over again. Mahirap talaga.. I hope we find breastfeeding clothes that we like!

  9. Thanks for joining too :)

  10. Can totally relate! I spent a lot on nursing tops/button down blouses/easy access dresses and nursing covers! The clothes... totally worth it! The covers were so useful for the first few months, but then as my son learned peek-a-boo, he'd always think I was playing with him whenever I put him under the nursing cover to feed! So he'd just kick and laugh instead of nurse. hehe!

  11. Can totally relate! I spent a lot on nursing tops/button down blouses/easy access dresses and nursing covers! The clothes... totally worth it! The covers were so useful for the first few months, but then as my son learned peek-a-boo, he'd always think I was playing with him whenever I put him under the nursing cover to feed! So he'd just kick and laugh instead of nurse. hehe!

  12. oh, breastfeeding clothes are also my problem. when i go out i always wear the same clothes. as in there was a time i had to go to different events with the same people, so difficult to find something to wear na di ko pa nasuot! ;p i also take ages and ages in toy shops and the kiddie section of bookstores now.

  13. Thanks again for inviting me to join Cai! Totally get your point when shopping for clothes, I tend to buy tops and dresses that are easy access. Always the first thing I consider! =)

  14. Hahaha natawa naman ako sa "kaya nga ako nabuntis kasi lagi akong hubad!" I actually did yun pull up the shirt, pero naconscious ako haha. So I might have to buy a few more clothes na pwedeng pull up or down na hindi ako exposed masyado! haha! I don't fit into my clothes na kasi kaya I need to buy! Unlike you, sexy na ulit! :)

  15. Thanks! I should look out for V-necks :) Minsan I just use lampin to cover my breast and it's better. Buti nga the cover I bought is not that expensive kaya ok lang haha

  16. I didn't buy any nursing clothes! I just pop the boob out whatever I wear haha I pull down, pull up, unbutton, unzip! Voila!

    My husband is scandalized har har. Hindi na siya nasanay. I'm always walking around naked kaya kahit nung di pa ako nabuntis. Kaya nga ako nabuntis kasi lagi akong hubad! So now that I have more reason to expose myself, go lang nang go =D

  17. I love your post! :-) I really salute all working and pumping moms out there! Anyway, regarding NIP try checking out my article here: I hope it's helpful! :-)

    P.S. I don't have ANY nursing tops/clothes and only purchased one of those old-school nursing bibs that I really didn't end up using anyway. Both kids really HATED being covered up, and talaga naman, ang init when they nurse! So I stuck to clothes that I could either pull down in front/to the side or pull up easily, and just used the bib or my sling or another piece of clothing (whatever I had on hand) to cover the part of my body that was exposed. I found that clothes with V-necks were particularly helpful, especially those made of stretchy material. :-)

  18. I also use tank tops at home. My little girl also doesn't like breastfeeding covers - maybe we need to get them used to it as well :)

  19. I agree with the clothes. Now, I always buy button down shirts paired with nursing bras for quick access. Everything now should be "quick access".

  20. I'm on a hunt for nursing clothes! And I need a more breathable cover. :) I want to lose the weight but I'm more matakaw now than before, lalo na with sweets! Patay.. haha!

  21. I am still soooo overweight but I am loving nursing clothes :) I never even covered before with my first but since I purchased a boncho and Infinitude for this second one, I not only have things to accessorize my wardrobe with, I also have cover for when am feeding :)

  22. At home, I wear tank tops or a t-shirt. I learned that fitted tops are better for nursing than loose tops, at home that is.

  23. I'm the same way with clothes. Weight wise, I'm back to where I started (and a bit less) but my proportions have TOTALLY changed... and nothing fits around the bust without me spilling out. I'm working too, so at home I lounge in tank tops that provide easy access for nursing.

  24. Now pa lang, it's difficult to use a cover. She gets irritated and pinapawisan cya. My only experience with NIP is at the pedia's clinic lang. Haven't done it in any place yet, so it be interesting to see how it goes.

    Breastfeeding is indeed wonderful. :)

  25. isn't breastfeeding wonderful? it makes you capable of doing things you thought you weren't able to previously! oh, btw, stan also didn't like the thought of NIP initially, but faced with a hysterical baby, he finally gave in. so he has no qualms now about my NIP. :D and nursing with a cover gets difficult as baby grows older!
